Our income of £247,574 for the year to the end of January 2023 represents the highest income for a 12-month period in the charity’s 15-year history, narrowly surpassing the previous high of £247,542 that was recorded as recently as December 2021.
With charitable income to date for the financial year 2022/23 now at £210,284 we are also comfortably on course to eclipse our record high income for a financial year of £212,329 which was set in the most recent financial year ending 31 March 2022.
Although record income levels in of itself is not an indicator of the success of the charity and what we do with whatever we raise is far more important we are nevertheless proud of these figures – especially during these straitened times and as a charity with limited fundraising resources and capacity – which bear testament to the trust, faith and loyalty of our existing supporters, and to our burgeoning reputation and profile as a worthy charity to support.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have supported us in some shape or form, not just in the last 12 months but historically too.